Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Some more Minecraft Easter eggs

Hey guys my name is ike06, and welcome back to Ike06 Gaming! And today we have even more Minecraft Easter eggs, and I'm going to list them by number:

  1. When you craft a cake, you get an achievement called "The Lie."  This is in reference to the phrase, "The cake is a lie," from the popular valve game, Portal.
  2. The Elytra helps you glide. This behavior is in reference to the wing cap in Super Mario 64.
  4. According to Wikepedia, there are 4 joke languages in the language menu: Pirate Speak, Lolcat, Shakespearean English, and (UK) English, which is upside down on the screen.  Currently the upside down (UK) English actually changes the words from English to Australian.  This is because Australia is on the other side of the planet to the UK, causing them to be upside down.  
  5. Running "Searge" as the command in the command block, without a "/" beforehand, will now set the previous output to "#itzlipofutzli".  This Easter egg is case insensitive, which means you can do it with capital or not capital letters.
  6. If the command "/help" is run via command block, it gives different messages that start with "Searge says" when the "#itzlipofutzli" output has been activated.  There are these messages and more: 
  •    "Yolo"
  • "Ask for help on Twitter"
  • "/deop @p"
  • "contact help desk for help"
  • "/testfornoob @p"
  • "/trigger warning"
  • "/kill @p[name=!Searge]"
  • "Have you tried turning it on and off again"
And this one's my favorite:
  • "Sorry no help today"

Anyway, I think that's a bit weird to be honest.

I hope you all enjoyed today's blog!  Bye!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Minecraft Easter Eggs/Secrets

In Minecraft there are Easter Eggs, or you can say secrets.  There are a lot of Easter Eggs, like a ton of them!  But all of them are not on every version.  For example, the holiday Easter Eggs -- those are only on PC/Mac.

Here is a weird Easter Egg that I found out about today.  All you have to do is just name yourself "deamau5", and this will give you big, blue Mickey Mouse-looking ears.  To do this in Minecraft PC, you have to go to your Mojang account. In the Minecraft PE, you just go to Minecraft settings and change your name there.

If you name a rabbit "toast" with a name tag, it will give it a pattern of black and white.  Here's a little story why they added this:  When Ryan Holtz was developing rabbits on Minecraft, user "xyzen420" asked him to make a skin that would look like his girlfriend's lost rabbit, Toast.  So now naming a rabbit "Toast" with a name tag, will switch its skin to the lost rabbit, Toast's, skin as a memorial.

Now some textures!  So inside unused parts of the Zombie Pigmen texture, it says "THX XAPHOBIA".  This is Notch, the creator of Minecraft, saying thanks to Xaphobia, the creator of the Zombie Pigmen texture.

In the Guardian and Elder Guardian texture, close to the bottom right corner, it says, "jeb." Jeb is the lead developer of Minecraft.

I'm sorry if you wanted to know the rest, but that's it for today!

Monday, February 26, 2018

My Version of the Story of Cthulhu in Terraria

So in Terraria there is you, The Crimson, the Eye of Cthulhu, the Brain of Cthulhu, and the Moon Lord. Cthulhu is not a current boss -- it is or was a possible future boss.  The creators of Terraria said Cthulhu will probably not be added, even though his brain and eye are bosses in the game.

I think that Cthulhu died, forming The Crimson, the Eye of Cthulhu, the Brain of Cthulhu, and forming you, the player.  Then his brother, the Moon Lord, got mad because he thought that you somehow killed Cthulhu.  Cthulhu was a god, but he died.  That's why when the Moon Lord dies, he drops Luminite, which says it is "a pebble of the heavens."  In The Crimson, you see giant rib bones, which I think is Cthulhu's rib bones.

And after The Wall of Flesh, in the underground Crimson, there are Ichor Stickers, which shoot ichor out of their mouths.  When you kill them, they drop ichor, which says, "the blood of gods."  This must mean that Cthulhu died in that spot, and formed The Crimson.  That's my theory of Cthulhu.

That's it for today!  I hope you all enjoyed it!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Some more MCPE Commands

In Minecraft PE, commands can make Minecraft easier, harder, and cooler, and lastly, more fun.  Here is a weird one:

 /give @s iron_pickaxe 1 0 {"minecraft:can_destroy":{"blocks":["stone"]}}

This can be used on adventure mode to actually break blocks, because on adventure mode you can't break blocks normally.  You can do this with whatever block you want to break, or whatever item you want to break with.  In the example above, I used an iron pickaxe to break a stone block.

Now here's a funny/cool command:

/playsound mob.enderdragon.growl @a ~ ~2 ~ 5.0 1.5

This will make a baby enderdragon sound, even though there's no such thing as a baby enderdragon!

Here is one that I think is kind of weird/cool:

/playsound @a

This will make the guardian kind of sound like something electronic.

And here is a cool one:

/playsound @a

This one makes the guardian sound really strange/cool to me.

And that's it for today.  I'm sorry for how short it was today.  Anyway, bye!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

How to Figure Out Minecraft "~" Coordinates

My mom was confused about the coordinates with the squiggly lines (~), so we made this video to help her and other people. I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Second MCPE Commands/Cheats

Hi, guys!  Today is some more Minecraft PE commands. In MCPE (Minecraft PE), my new personal favorite command is pretty mean for your friend, actually.

Here are the steps for unlucky diamonds:

  1. First get a command block by going to "chat", and typing in "/give @a command_block".
  2. Make it a repeating command block by going into the command block and go to where it says "impulse", press it and go to "repeat" and press it.  
  3. Get a redstone block, and type this in the command block: "/execute ike06 ~ ~ ~ fill ~-5 ~-5 ~-5 ~5 ~5 ~5 stone 0 replace diamond_ore".  But don't use MY name, use your friend's name instead.
This will make it so when your friend gets too close to diamond ore, the diamonds will turn to stone!  Oh, and make sure to place the redstone block right next to the command block.  There are six "~'s" because the first three "~-5's" are the starting coordinates.  The next three "~5's" are the ending coordinates.  These coordinates represent the area around your friend that the diamond ore will turn to stone within. 

Here's another one: "/fill ~-3 ~-1 ~-3 ~3 ~-1 ~3 ice 0 replace water".  This will make a 7x7x1 square below you, but only on the water.  

Here is a weird one: "/fill ~1 ~-1 ~1 ~10 ~5 ~10 cobblestone 0 hollow".  This should make a 10x10x5 cube.  One section of the blocks are in the ground (that's because of the ~-1), and all of it is made of cobblestone, and it's hollow.  But it appears diagonally next to you.  

Here is a fun command, but first get a command block (step 1 above), and a lever.  Now change the command block to repeat (step 2 above).  Place the lever on the command block, by crouching and placing it.  Then type this in "/execute ike06 ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~-1 ~ diamond_block 0 replace grass". Then make sure to activate the lever. This will make the diamond blocks under you if you're on grass.  But, don't use ike06, use YOUR name.  

OK, that's it for today, good luck with these commands!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Minecraft PE Commands/Cheats

In Minecraft PE, there are commands/cheats.  Commands make things happen that don't usually happen in the game.  To do a command, you go to the "chat", and type in the specific command.

Here are two easy commands: "/give @a stick #".  This simple command gives you a stick, or whatever item you want, however many you want.  The "@a" means all players.  The number sign is where you put how many of the item you want, from 1 to 64.  So, for example, if I wanted 64 enchanted apples, I would put in "/give @a appleenchanted 64".  If you want 5 Ender pearls, you would put in "/give @a ender_pearl 5".  If you want 64 pieces of obsidian, you would type in "/give @a obsidian 64".  You can do this for whatever items you want.  For tools, and swords, you can only get one at a time.

Another one is "/summon zombie", or whatever you want to summon.  You can summon a minecart, boat, ender_crystal, or whatever entity you want by putting it in place of the "zombie" in that command.

There are tons of possibilities with commands, like the lightning snowball.  Here is how you make the lightning snowball.  First, get a command block by typing in "/give @s command_block".  The "@s" means yourself, instead of "@a", all players.  Then make the command block a repeating command block, and place the lever, and type this in: "/execute @e[type=snowball] ~ ~ ~ summon lightning_bolt".  Make sure to activate the lever.  The "~'s" are the position, (X, Y, Z).  "X" means East/West, "Y" means high/low, and "Z" means North/South. With just the regular "~'s", the location of the lightning bolt is (0, 0, 0), which is how far away it is from the snowball.  If you want the lightning in a different place, decide where you want it and type in the (X, Y, Z) location after the "~'s".  For example, if you wanted to have the lightning bolt this far away from the snowball: (1 block East of the snowball, 5 blocks above the snowball, 25 blocks North of the snowball), you would type in the command like this: "/execute @e[type=snowball] ~1 ~5 ~25 summon lightning_bolt".

Now here is a command that is kind of mean for your friend.  This is how you make your friend explode.  First get the normal command block by typing in "/give @s command_block", then place it, of course.  Make sure the arrow is facing the left, and type this in: "/execute ike06 ~ ~ ~ summon ender_crystal".  And make sure to type in your friend's name, instead of mine, ike06.  Then place a chain command block to the left of the command block, and make sure the arrow must face the left as well.  Then, type this in: "/execute @e[type=ender_crystal] ~ ~ ~ summon arrow".  Place the lever on the command block to the right, and activate it.  Now watch your friend explode!

That's it for today.  Next time I will give you even more commands for Minecraft PE.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Terraria Xbox One Tips, Hints, and Cheats

Today I will be telling you guys about some Terraria tips, hints, and cheats for Xbox One 1.3.  And for people who can't download the update because of room, I am sorry!

But, anyways, I shall now tell you some tips.  At the beginning of the game, you have a copper short sword, a copper pickax, and a copper ax.  Beware, without a sword, pickax, and ax, you can't mine, chop down trees, or even attack, unless you are farther in the game and have guns, or bows, or magic weapons.  The more you mine, the more you level up.  If you don't have great armor, or weapons, or tools, just go mining!

Now for a couple of hints.  If you go on Expert Mode, there is a better chance of getting more rare items...If you are trying to beat certain bosses, use ranged weapons like a bow or gun.

And now, three cheats!  If you are trying to get tons of water, then you should just "dupe" (duplicate) it. You can do this by making it go down some blocks -- this method also works for lava and honey.  Doing this way will easily generate obsidian.

Also, you can do dupe water by using an inlet pump, and an outlet pump. Or do BOTH the inlet pump and the outlet pump and make the water go down blocks.

And finally, the last cheat.  If you have a friend who wants the stuff that you have, you can dupe it.  Here are the steps for dupping, or duplicating:

  1. Turn autosave off.
  2. Put the item you want to dupe in a chest.
  3. Save and exit your world.
  4. Go back in the world with the chest, and take the item out of it.
  5. The sad part -- kill yourself.
  6. Get out of Terraria before you respawn, and press the "start" button on Terraria, which looks like three straight lines, and press "quit."
  7. Go back in Terraria and go to the world with the chest that you used, and you will have the item in your inventory AND in the chest!
And that's all for today!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Minecraft Secrets, Tips, and Tricks

In Minecraft there are quite a bit of Easter eggs (secrets, tips, and tricks).  You can make a Killer Vindicator, and you do this by naming a Vindicator, "Johnny" with a capital "J".  But you can only do this with a nametag.

Now I will tell you a few more nametag secrets!  If you name any mob (animal or enemy), "Grumm" with a capital "G," or "Dinnerbone" with a capital "D," it will turn the mob upside down.

If you name a sheep "jeb_" with a lowercase "j," it will become a rainbow sheep.

I know that "jeb_", and "Dinnerbone", and "Grumm" are Minecraft developers, but I don't know about Johnny.

And now some tricks!  If you place a boat on a slime block, and you get on the boat, it will launch you and the boat flying into the air.  You go so high, it's crazy!

If you shoot the top half of a half slab with a pressure plate on top, it will activate it (the pressure plate).  And if you are standing behind a painting, other players can't see your nametag on the other side.  So now you can make a game of hide-n-go-seek!

I'm sorry if you wanted to know more, but that's it for today!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Minecraft: The Far Lands

The Far Lands is this place in Minecraft where everything is glitched out.  Like, on PE, which is Pocket Edition, everything except for horses and spiders fall through blocks -- including you!  There are these holes in the Far Lands, and if you go inside, it's all cave-like.  It's really cool because pretty much everything that is a transparent block (like a fence, an end rod, etc) is bigger than normal, and glitched out.  Everything looks different than away from the Far Lands.  The Far Lands is not a world, it's just a place in your world.

  In order to get to the Far Lands, you need to be able to use commands.  The coordinates for the beginning of the Far Lands is:12550821 64 12550821.

For PE, go to the "chat" and  type in "/tp @a 12550821 64 12550821" This will teleport all players.

Or you can type in "/tp @s 12550821 64 12550821" to just teleport yourself.

For the PC edition, in order to put in a command, you simply press the "/" key and then type in the command.  There is no need to go to the "chat" like in PE.

Before you know it, you will find yourself in the Far Lands!

In the Far Lands you can try to find Herobrine.  You can also explore.  It is so cool.

Here is a website that you can check out for more information about how to visit the Far Lands, and what to expect there:

My Adventure of the Moon Lord On Expert Mode!

One day I was playing Terraria on Expert Mode with my brother and father.  And I asked if they wanted to face the Lunatic Cultist, Pillars, and Moon Lord, and they nodded 'yes.'  So our adventure had started!  Off to the dungeon we shall go!  Then we saw the Lunatic Devotes and Blue Cultist Archers.  So we killed them, and BOOM, there the Lunatic Cultist was.  We had an epic battle, and the Lunatic Cultist died.  My brother had almost died as well, and forgot to heal, and went straight to the first pillar, and killed a few enemies and died sadly.  But, of course, in Terraria you respawn.

The battle with the four spread-out pillars raged on for quite a bit.  Then, in the bottom left corner it says, "Impending Doom Approaches."

Then in a minute or two, the Moon Lord awoke!  We used our Solar Eruptions, and healed by the nurse.  But then the nurse died, and my brother and father died as well.  And I was almost dead.  I knew it was the end for me!  And then the Moon Lord despawned.  I had died!  So we used the Celestial Sigil to summon the Moon Lord again.  Once again, Impending Doom!  Then after the minute or two, the Moon Lord awoke, and the battle raged on again.  The nurse died again, and my brother too.  I thought all was lost!  But then, the Eyes were defeated, and you could see his core.  Then I knew, 'We can do this!'  Next thing I know, the Moon Lord was defeated!  We got our items.  We thought in our minds, 'We did it!'  We were so excited that we beat the hardest boss on the hardest world mode (because we were on Expert Mode).

That adventure was over, but we still have a lot more adventures to go!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Terraria Bosses

In Terraria the hardest boss by far is the Moon Lord with a 145,000 H.P./health. 

The second most health boss is the Destroyer with 80,000 H.P. -- that is with all of the segments.  You have to destroy 30 of the segments to defeat the Destroyer.

The third is Duke Fishron with 50,000 H.P., and his moves are charging like crazy, moving into you fast, and spewing out bubbles that follow you, and spewing out bubbles while going around in a circle and moving into you fast multiple times.

The next one is Skeletron Prime, which has four arms but they do not have hands, but they do have weapons!!  Some of the weapons are like the Prime Saw, Prime Vice, Prime Laser, and the Prime Cannon.  Oh, and by the way, Skeletron Prime is just a metal skeleton head and four metal skeleton arms.

 And next is The Twins, which is two ginormous eyes.  The green eye is named Spazmitism, or for short "Spaz," and has 23,000 H.P.  The red eye is named Retinizer, or for short "Ret," with 20,000 H.P.

And I'm done.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

New Terraria Update

The Terraria 1.3 update has finally arrived for the Xbox One console.  It arrived yesterday, and it is so cool.  It's exactly like the computer, except the PC (which is computer) has more updates right now and the console is so laggy, and there is quite a bit of glitches sadly.  But, new worlds now have the really small marble biome and the small granite biome, which has granite elementals and granite golems, which can block attacks.  And underground there are some new enemies like the giant shelly, and the javelin thrower guy, which I don't remember his name, and Medusa, which can turn you to stone for a couple of seconds and attack you.  And after the wall of flesh, in the goblin army, there is a goblin summoner.  And, in the pirate invasion, there is a flying ship with cannons called The Flying Dutchman, which can summon more pirates.  I wish I could tell you all about the new stuff, but I kind of ran out of room, so I'm done.

Minecraft Bedrock Edition Tutorials Custom Crafting Recipes!

In Minecraft pe have you ever wanted somthing that you can only get on creative, but you are on survival?  Well you can get those items by c...