Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Minecraft Secrets, Tips, and Tricks

In Minecraft there are quite a bit of Easter eggs (secrets, tips, and tricks).  You can make a Killer Vindicator, and you do this by naming a Vindicator, "Johnny" with a capital "J".  But you can only do this with a nametag.

Now I will tell you a few more nametag secrets!  If you name any mob (animal or enemy), "Grumm" with a capital "G," or "Dinnerbone" with a capital "D," it will turn the mob upside down.

If you name a sheep "jeb_" with a lowercase "j," it will become a rainbow sheep.

I know that "jeb_", and "Dinnerbone", and "Grumm" are Minecraft developers, but I don't know about Johnny.

And now some tricks!  If you place a boat on a slime block, and you get on the boat, it will launch you and the boat flying into the air.  You go so high, it's crazy!

If you shoot the top half of a half slab with a pressure plate on top, it will activate it (the pressure plate).  And if you are standing behind a painting, other players can't see your nametag on the other side.  So now you can make a game of hide-n-go-seek!

I'm sorry if you wanted to know more, but that's it for today!


  1. Those are great tricks! How do you learn these things?!

  2. I don't know how you do it Isaac! This game had always seemed so hard to me!

    1. Thank you! It may be hard for you, but not for me. :) -- Isaac

  3. Just thought I'd comment and let you know that I'm pretty sure Johnny comes from The Shining. The main character is a crazy dude in a mansion named Johnny and he comes after the main characters with an ax. You may know his classic phrase, "Here's Johnny!"


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