Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hello Neighbor Act 2 How to Get to The Trampoline to Escape Walk Through

In Hello Neighbor act 2, I now know an easier way to beat the act! But in order to do it you will have to do some stuff that I showed you on "Hello Neighbor Xbox One Act 2 Guide". Apparently the last time that I showed you some stuff  that you can do (I think), opened the way to the trampoline (or you can say tramp).

Yeah... whoops! That was my fault =(. Here are the steps for getting to the trampoline: First you will be in a room with fake windows, and the doors are locked. So look through the keyhole for about at least 10-15 seconds. You will see a weird cardboard outline of a boy, and you will also hear a clicking sound as soon as you see the cardboard outline. This clicking sound means that the door is now open! So go out the door, and take off the vent, then go through it to the ladder. Now just climb up the ladder, and you will come out of the two basement doors in the backyard! The house is mostly the same but with many, many extensions! So first go to the left side of the house (if you are looking at it from the back), and you will see a pipe with a small red lever on it.

Turn that lever!

 You will hear water moving around inside of the pipe. You are going to have to find two more pipes with levers on them! So now go into the neighbors house, and grab the wrench from the freezer.

Why the freezer of all places!

Now go to where the inside basement door is, and go to the pipe, and turn the lever on it.

Now go back outside, and unscrew the gate to the backyard ladder. You won't need the wrench anymore so if you want you can get rid of it. Then go on to the roof part up the ladder, and go to the pipe at the very end of the roof part.

Turn the lever!

Now go to the left side of the house (looking from the back of the house), and go to the big machine that now has water gushing out of it (this is because of the levers that you turned on those pipes). Then take the wheel on the ground next to the machine. Then go up the backyard ladder, and go to the pipe that is close to the end of the roof, and you will see a part of the pipe that is red around a part that is sticking up. So place the wheel on the part of the pipe with the thing sticking up from it.

Turn that wheel!

Warning: you must take the wheel with you wherever you go. Now go back to the top of the ladder, and place two boxes or a big chair on the ground close to the ladder fence. Then go to the very end of the ladder fence, and you will see a pipe with the red around the part sticking up.

Place, and turn that wheel!

Now go to right (looking from the back) of the house, and break the window that inside is blocked off from the rest of the house.

Go inside the window!

Now go inside the door, and place, and turn the wheel on the pipe close to the machine. Then turn the lever on the machine from cold to hot (or maybe it's the opposite). Now go to the front of the house, and go up the ladder. Now go down off of the platform on to the roof (to the left of when you are coming up the ladder). Then place the wheel on the pipe on the roof.

Now turn that wheel!

Then go to the back into the door that is up the ladder, and go to the old flooded room. Then go to the door on the other side of the flooded room, and go down the ladder into the kids room. Then open the door with a chair on it, and go down the stairs. Now go close to the open stairs (which were closed on act 1), and place the wheel on the pipe close to the machine.

Turn the wheel, and pull the big red lever!

Then follow the wires connected to the machine to a nearby door. You will see a locked door and a key on a key hook. Unlock that door! Then you will notice that you are right where the front door is. Then go out the front door, and you will see that the gate to the tramp is now open! But there is no  way into the tramp. So go up the front yard ladder onto the platform, and jump to the trampoline. Now you will bounce up so high that you can go over the fence! So just jump over the fence, and go towards your house then you will see a short clip! Now you are done with act 2! Pretty cool right?

Anyway, that's it for today! Goodbye!


  1. Hee hee hee


  2. Didn't work >:(


  3. i am so mad at you, it did not work!!!!!

  4. im doing this rn :]

  5. i know a quicker way but thanks

  6. i think you probably didnt find all the wheel things or levers

  7. Funny thing.....had just turned the water on by the ladder. Neighbor saw me and started throwing things at me. I grabbed the wheel back and jumped. Just as I jumped, neighbor hit me with whatever he was throwing which inturn tossed me over the back fence.....SCORE! ....lol

    1. I jumped off the crate after turning on the water at the top if the ladder and went way over the fence somehow. Was alot shorter I just wonder if it changes the other acts?

  8. There is an extra pipe red thing in the cold warmth room we forgot


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