Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hello Neighbor Xbox One Act 2 Guide

Hello Neighbor is a fun/funny/kind of creepy stealth game! Hello Neighbor is basically a game where you are trying to find out the secrets to his house, and basement! So in the previous act (Act 1), you had just gotten to the final door to the secrets but, the door was locked, then the neighbor catches you. Then it starts act 2! So first you are in this weird fake room with fake windows and  the door is locked, and there is nothing to pick up! So take a look through the keyhole by holding "LB", then just wait. Then you will notice a cardboard boy , and hear a clicking sound. This means that the door is unlocked, and you can go through! So after you go through go to the vent looking thing and take it off, then crouch by holding/pressing "RS", and go through it!

After you are back out of the other side of the vent/crawl space. Then you will see a ladder. Climb up that ladder! Then you will come out of the two basement doors from the backyard of the neighbors house! You will definitely see that the neighbor has added pipes, a very big fence, and extensions to his house! So you can't get out of the fence so the neighbor can get you easily if he sees you! So first go to the very back of the house against the fence and go to the side of the house, and watch the windows for the neighbor. Then you will see a pipe in a very small gap of the fence that has a lever on it.

Turn that lever! You will hear water inside of it now flowing to somewhere, and you are going to do this to two other pipes! But first before you do the two other pipes you are going to have to go inside the house, and get the wrench from the freezer.

Then go to where the door to the basement is, and it will be blocked off by a big couch but there is a pipe with a lever there.

After you turn that, go back outside and unscrew the gate to the backyard ladder. Go up that ladder, and go to the end of the path, and on to a part of the roof. Then you will see a pipe with a lever on it but, you are going to have to be careful that you don't fall off.

After you turn the pipe lever, go to a big boiler machine inside the house you can get there by breaking one of the windows. Then go inside the door and turn the big lever on it. Then go the side of the house to find a big machine with water spurting out of it.

You will see a wheel on the ground because of the pipe levers that you turned. pick it up this is super important! So now that you have the wheel go up the ladder, get a chair, then go to the top of the ladder and place the chair up against the fence of the top of the ladder. Jump onto the top of the chair, and onto the fence and, you will see a pipe on the wall once you go to the very end of the ladder fence.

Place the wheel on the pipe where it looks a bit red around it, and looks like there used to be a wheel there. Then turn the wheel around once, and make sure to then take the wheel with you wherever you go. This will take some water out of a flooded room with a robotic shark in it! Then go back to the area where you found the last pipe with a lever, and you will see another pipe where you place the wheel, and turn it.

After you turn the wheel once go to the front of the house, and go up the ladder in the front, and go to the pipe that is to the side/ below the platform.

Then place and turn the wheel once, and just remember to take it with you! This will get rid of the room that was flooded, which no joke had a shark patrolling around it! The next thing you will do is go to the backyard ladder and go through the door to the right. You will see a staircase of stairs and tall doors! After you are at the top you will see where the flooded room where the shark used to be.

Shark be gone! Then go to the center of the old flooded room and you will see a red carpet and a shovel on it. Take the shovel! Then go through the door on the right other side of the old flooded room and take the golden key off of the key hook, and unlock the door This will give you easy access to the room you are in. Then you will see a hole with a ladder going down in the center of the room connected to the flooded room. Go down the ladder into a kids room with a doll house that has a lock on the doors to it. You will see a chair on the door right next to the doll house. Take the chair off. Then go to the staircase, and go down it, to the main part of the house. Then you will see a machine, and follow the wires to a nearby door. Then grab the nearby key and unlock the door so you can use it late. Then go back to the machine and place the wheel on the pipe connected to the machine, and turn it. Then pull the big red lever on the machine. After you do that go to the backyard of the house and find a dirt patch, and start digging with the shovel. After you dig enough you will see a coffin take the coffin cover off of it, and take the toy key with a ribbon on it. Remember the kids room with a ladder going up in it, go there, and unlock the doll house. Then you will see a room with a toy toilet, and a room with a toy machine. Open those doors! Then go to the ladder in the hallway out side the kids room, and go down the pipes in there and you will see a place where you put the wheel again! After you have turned the wheel once and gotten the wheel back the room will quickly flood. So now go back down the ladder and go into the door close to the stairs. This door used to be locked but, because of the doll house when you opened those doors it is now unlocked! What secrets are lying within this house? So go inside the door that I just mentioned, and you will see a machine that looks like the toy machine inside the doll house! Seriously why is this doll house doing stuff in the actual house? After you have seen the machine turn the lever on it to the blue side. Remember the new flooded room you just made? The water will now be frozen! After you have turned the lever take a chair or some boxes, and stack them on the ice against the back wall to get to a door. Go through the door, and into the next door to find the red key to the front fence gate! This is the easier way to do it.

Here is a different way to do it, so don't flood the room, and do the machine but open the bathroom door in the doll house. Then go to the downstairs bathroom to find a small lego looking action figure with a small crowbar in it's hand. Take it, and go back to the kids room and place the action figure on the toy toilet, then go back to the bathroom, and the action figure will be there but way bigger! Why is there so much with this crazy doll house? I mean seriously! After you see that it's bigger take the now normal sized crowbar out of it's hand and go to a certain part of the fence, and take the boards off of it and walk through. After you walk through you will see a short clip.

There is a way to cheat that me, and my brother found out! So for this one you use the carnival nightmare to cheat! Which I think is pretty cool!

 So in the carnival nightmare go on the ride and skip the little clip by pressing "A". Then quickly press "A" again and then quickly press the button you used to get on the ride then I think you press the same button again but don't press buttons to mach or else it won't work. This should make you in the front of the ride, and you will see a older version of yourself in the ride with no head! Then just wait for the end of the ride, and then you will see the short clip! You have just cheated a medium/hard act by using a nightmare! For crying out loud a nightmare! If you do it the cheating way then be prepared for the super hard act 3! In act 3 you can't cheat at all so just be prepared!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this blog! That's it for today! Goodbye!


  1. Great Post! It is detailed enough maybe I’ll try it myself! Nice job, Bud!

  2. They are not the general population who simply sit in houses and work, yet they are accomplishing something other than what's expected. Virtual Showings

  3. Thank you! I’ve read a couple walkthroughs and you’re the only one to explain you have to open the doors *in the dollhouse* to unlock them. I could not figure out how to freeze the water to get the key. I went through and kept repeating tasks thinking I missed something.


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