Friday, May 4, 2018

Understanding Binary Codes and More

Have you ever seen a Binary code? Have you ever wondered what they are? Well I now just barely found out how to read them! Binary codes are a series of ones and zeros, they are pretty confusing for people that just found out about them, but I'm going to tell you how to read them! So first of all the letters start out as normal numbers then they will turn into something else (which are ones, and zeros). Like capital "A" is the number "65", and the capital "B" is the number "66", and then the capital "C" is the number "67" ,and so forth. Then the lowercase letters. "a" is "97", "b" is "98", and "c" is "99", and so forth. Next onto the other numbers. So "1st" is equal to "1", and "2nd" is equal to "2", and "3rd" is equal to 4, "4th" is equal to "8" and "5th" is equal to "16". So these "1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", and "5th" go up until "8th", and you have to keep multiplying by "2" each time. So there are 8 spots, which are numbered 1st - 8th, reading it right to left.  So the 8th position is the first one when reading left to right.

Now take the letter numbers that you want (like I told you about above), and then see if the other numbers, starting with the 8th position (which is 128), are bigger than the letter number. If they are, then put a zero, if they aren't, or are the same, then put a one.  Start at the 8th position, and put a zero because it is bigger than all of the letter numbers. Then go to 7th (which is "64"), and if the letter number that is leftover is bigger than the "64" then put a one after the zero. Then go to 6th (which is "32"), and if the '32" is smaller than the leftover letter number, then put a one after the other binary code numbers. But each time you place a "1", then you will have to subtract the letter number with the other numbers (which is like 8th=128), but with the letter number on the top. So this means that if I had a H (which is "72"), then I would put a "1" with the "7th", because 72 is bigger than the "64". Then I would subtract "64" from the "72", which would become a "8". So that means that the "H" (or you can say "72") will become this:


This also means that if I wanted to say "Hello World" then it would be this:

01001000, 01100101, 01101100, 01101100, 01101111, 00100000, 01010111, 01101111, 01110011, 01101100, 01100100

I put commas, and spaces to it so you would not get confused. I think that these codes are super cool! There is even one in one of the alpha versions of Hello Neighbor! So yeah. 

Anyway that's it for today sorry if I confused you! Goodbye!

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